Saturday 30 August 2008

Sharing a global variable between C and OCaml

I was asked today if it is possible to share a global variable between C and OCaml. This was my first response:

OCaml cannot just directly access C globals. At best you'd need to have a function that returns the address of the C global, _and_ the C global would need to be in a form that OCaml code could understand although that is pretty easy to arrange.
In a followup, I gave some example code:

------------------------------------------------------------ test_c.c
/* Variable shared between C and OCaml. */

#include <caml/mlvalues.h>

/* On the OCaml side, this will be made to look like a structure
* containing a single int (well, provided you don't look *too*
* closely at it).
value shared_var = Val_int (0);

get_struct_addr (value unitv)
/* Return the address of the 'structure'. */
return ((value) &shared_var);

/* Increment the shared variable. */
increment_it (value unitv)
int i = Int_val (shared_var);
shared_var = Val_int (i);
return (Val_unit);

(* Variable shared between C and OCaml. *)

type var = {
shared_var : int;

external get_struct_addr : unit -> var = "get_struct_addr" "noalloc"
external increment_it : unit -> unit = "increment_it" "noalloc"

let var = get_struct_addr () ;;

while true do
Printf.printf "value of the variable now is %d\n%!" var.shared_var;
increment_it ();
(* OCaml isn't expecting that increment_it modifies a variable, so
* there is no guarantee that we will see the changed value next
* time around.
Unix.sleep 1;

$ gcc -I /usr/lib/ocaml -c test_c.c
$ ocamlopt -c
$ ocamlopt unix.cmxa test_c.o test.cmx -o test
$ ./test
value of the variable now is 0
value of the variable now is 1
value of the variable now is 2
value of the variable now is 3
value of the variable now is 4

Before you use this code, be aware that it's a real hack.

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